Forgotten Marketing Gold: How Good Is Your Email Marketing Follow Up?

In the busy daily workload of your language school, many tasks are often delayed and often even forgotten after a while. One of those tasks that can kill your long-term language school success is email communication.

The follow-up on customers request and questions is time-consuming. Personalized emails are important in order to convert potential customers into real paying students that then turn into fans and advocates of your school.
The key to any successful business is to grow and stay profitable with the help of automated and optimized processes.
Email marketing is one of the easiest processes that can be automated – and yet still not many companies are doing it effectively or doing it at all.

This is the chance for your language school to take lead and beat your competition.
One thing is for sure: you can\’t automate all emails that you get and a personal email to a potential customer can\’t be beaten with pre-written emails – but!
Before a potential customer moves into that state that they start you sending you personal emails with questions and specific signals that they are ready to book a course with you – before all that: you need to automate.
Basically, you have to create an email-automation system that moves people from \”just looking around\”, being curious into \”I want to know more\” until finally, they are \”ready to book a service with your school\”.
This system saves you all the time answering generic and non-qualified questions over and over again manually.

Here is how it works:
Instead of replying with detailed emails to every generic email you get you send your potential customers to a landing page where they can sign up for your newsletter and where they can download a helpful PDF report.
The goal is to get students to sign up for your newsletter, that then sends our weekly regular information that more in detail and gives all the important details and insights for your school.
Instead of sending one email out with a lot of information about your school you can \”feed\” potential customers with small informative emails about one aspect of your language school. This way you will not overwhelm the recipient.
People and potential students that are really interested and ready to get going will contact you personally or will call you.
So those emails will serve as a powerful solution that will keep potential customers in the loop and will make them trust you more because after a few emails from you they will feel that they already know you better.
Here is the key though: your emails must really contain valuable content. Not generic marketing information that is boring.
You need to invest into this and take this as a serious marketing activity. Hire a skilled copywriter to help you with this (ask us at and we might be able to get you in touch with one).

They key is this: those emails should be as interesting and informative that it will make others to share those with friends and on social media.
Make the emails short and informative and link always back to one aspect of your language school website.
This is another \”trick\” that most companies will not tell you about: in order to rank their website higher, you need traffic. Repeating traffic coming from your email marketing activities is much more valuable.
If search engines see that the same people come back visiting your language school website several times per month, this has a great effect on your SEO ranking and about the popularity of your website.
Together with the fact that it saves you so much time writing manual emails and replying with \”copy-and-paste-templates\” to generic requests instead.
So email marketing is a very effective multiple-effect powerhouse if you do it right.
Just get started small: write 4-5 emails and have one month of follow up ready. Then expand to 2-3 months in advance with information about your language school that is never outdated, like linking to testimonials or a language skill test that you offer.
This way you will have always valid \”evergreen\” content that will keep potential language school customers engaged and eventually turn more and more of them into paying students.

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