The most important part of marketing your program to your intended clientele is to let them know what the program does. Define the program, tell your potential clients […]
What Kind of Language School Website do You Have: A Brochure Site or a Lead Generation Site?
The main difference between a brochure website and the traditional lead-generation website is that one only conveys the basic information and focuses on getting more visitors to the […]
How Start Your Language School Website Yourself?
The internet is an amazing place to start a business. You can reach anyone in the world who has access to the web, and you can start a […]
How to Create your Language School Business Plan?
Are you one of those people who are passionate to jump on the bandwagon with the others folks who are excitedly opening their own language school business? According […]
Marketing Language Courses Programs During a Tough Economy
Contrary to what you may believe, a tough economy is a great leveraging tool that can help you to increase your business during slow times. With the right […]
Fear Of Leads: Why Language Schools Struggle To Convert Them Into Real Customers
Language school owners and language service providers are in a really tricky situation – they want to generate new language customers online using their website and social media […]