Finding Effective Marketing Methods for Your Language Courses

The purpose of any type of online marketing is to increase Web presence and generate conversions. This is certainly an important goal for any business offering online language courses. Even if you have an amazing website, you’re not going to get the most out of it unless you find an effective way to funnel traffic your way.

Web Site Presence: A Site That Converts

In order to get the most out of your language course website, you need a site that converts rather than simply attracts curious clickers who do nothing more than browse and leave. This goal is entirely achievable through relevant content that includes easily digestible headings and subheads. It also helps to have content that clearly tells the visitor what action you want them to take while making it as easy as possible for them to take that particular action, resulting in a conversion.

PPC (Pay-per-click)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising refers to ads that appear on websites likely to be frequented by people interested in taking language courses. The way it works is that the website owner gets paid with each click and you get a visitor to your site. You can also bid on keywords or even place ads directly on your own site.

  • Very targeted
  • Increases visibility of your site


  • Can be expensive
  • Time consuming (a successful campaign takes about 3-6 months)


Social Media

With roughly 75 percent of consumers between the ages of 16 and 24 considering their mobile devices something they need to have with them at all times, social media marketing is a great way to interact with the same consumers who may be looking to learn a new language to enhance their resume or brush up on their cultural experiences.

  • Real-time engagement
  • Easily sharable (exposing more people to your content without any added expense)


  • Can be time-consuming (fresh content is a must)
  • Negative feedback can get out of control (if not managed properly)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization, the use of strategic keywords and phrases within your online content, is an essential part to any effective online marketing campaign. By working with someone who understands how to implement an effective SEO strategy, your content could easily attract more students and help you get the most out of your online content.

  • Can direct content to the right audience
  • If done right, can be very profitable


  • Can be ineffective if using the wrong keywords
  • No immediate return on investment

Content Marketing

Just like SEO, content marketing can affect all of your online marketing efforts. The caveat is that the content generated must evoke some kind of emotion from the reader, meaning that you don’t want a direct sales pitch. However, once you are perceived to be a valuable and reliable source of information, you’re likely to reap the rewards with more Web traffic.

  • Works well in conjunction with other marketing methods (especially social media)
  • A great way to set your language school apart from similar competitors


  • Constant need for “fresh” content
  • Takes time to see results