Some people really love and enjoy the approach of “101 Ways To…” advice frequently given on websites, blogs, and books – both for life and business questions.
The idea behind this is that in 101 items there must be something hiding that is applicable and suitable for anyone. And from the author’s perspective who is writing such “101 advice” – they appear to be a real expert in their field if they are able to come up with 101 different ways to do so.
Unfortunately “101 Ways To Marketing Your Language School” is the worst piece of advice you can read, and luckily, you would never find such a piece on
Here is why:
Reading 101 different marketing strategies is a waste of your time. It might be entertaining and raising some hopes that there are unknown marketing strategies that you might have overlooked – but in the end, you will quickly realize, that there is nothing really new out there.
Most often inside those 101 strategies is a lot of fluff and made-up-stuff just to actually being able to come up with 101 items in total to sell you their “abundance of wisdom”.
Reality check: There are not more than a handful of relevant marketing strategies that produce results in any given industry, including the language service industry.
The areas to improve your business are on 1. How to present and package what you have to offer, 2. The Call To Action (how to make it as easy as possible for people are able to buy from you) and 3. How you actually handle the delivery of your services and products 4. and in the end The Follow-Up and how you collect testimonials and share them with others.
Here is the most time-saving Internet marketing advice for language schools I can share with you:
Focus on improving the quality of your online communication.
The goal of successful marketing is matching the customers that look for a solution for their problems (learning a new language) with the ideal match of a provider (you as a language school or language service provider).
This is achieved by getting in touch with customers via two ways: naturally ranked content on search engines SEO (search engine optimization), like results being shown on Google and Bing without paying for it and paid placed content SEM (search engine marketing), like Google or Bing Ads.
And it all comes down to two factors: getting the headlines right, both for the titles of your websites and the titles of online ads to get a customers attention – and then when people come over to your website, with high-quality and relevant content that is both informative, entertaining and wanting people to take action.
This high-quality content needs to be written by professionals that understand human psychology and how to package and put information in front of your audience.
You don’t need software and tools in the first place, you need professional writers. Only then you will see results.
Most language schools get caught up in searching for “101 new language school marketing ideas” where they only need three essential services:
1. Get Sales Leads of eager language students that want to start to learn a new language right now
2. Improve the trust that people put in your company and services by ranking better on search engines
3. Get people to interact and talk more about your company with unique and compelling content
Actually, those the three essentials that we focus here on and that are proven to work for your language school as well.
Forget about 101 Marketing ideas, and just leave it up to us helping you while you can focus on what you are really good at – helping people exploring and mastering new languages.