13 Marketing Tips For Successful Language School Blogging

Language school blogging is not a new concept. It has been around for many years. However, it has never been more popular than today. Blogging is still new to the language school industry, but that doesn’t mean that students or clients don’t care about it. Global language schools have three main advantages over average language schools: quality of service, low cost, and the convenience of being closer to their students. So having a blog is not only good for you; it’s also good for your clients.

Nonetheless, most language schools are still unsure of how to properly market their blogs. That’s why I’m writing this post today. To give you 12 tips that will help you start a successful blog with low costs.

After this post, language school owners, I’m sure that you will be able to start your own blog and market it the right way.

1 -Choosing a blog theme (design)

Your blog will look the same if you use a theme that has a similar design to your school’s website. In other words, if your language school website has a certain design, the blog will also have the same design. If you were going to build a whole new website around the blog, you would probably end up using a completely different website theme. So why not start your blog with a different theme? That will make the blog stand out.

You can search for one that has the same look and feel like your school’s website. If you like another theme better, go ahead and use it. You may have to customize it a little bit. The main thing is just to keep consistency between your blog and the language school website.https://www.youtube.com/embed/GG2UqBAUoJI?feature=oembed

2 – Mode of operation (how you will organize the articles)

This is a very important question. I’ve seen many language school blogs. The problem is that they lack structure. You need to have an organized plan about how you are going to publish posts on your blog. How do you do that? There are three different approaches:

  • Publish a new blog post at least once a week.
  • Publish a new blog post every two weeks or once a month.
  • Publish a new blog post when you have something to say and you need to share it with your audience.

The first approach is what most bloggers like to do because it gives them a lot of time to write articles and schedule them for publication. The second approach is great if you have a lot of content to publish. The third approach is not so good because you will publish not enough posts per month in order to get traffic. It is also very important to publish at least one article every week. Although most bloggers are publishing one or two articles per month, they are all published on the same day. That’s not good because you will have too many posts.

What’s your plan for your language school blog? Whatever it is, stick to it. If you want to change your publishing schedule, later on, that’s fine.https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q8rN3JKqUc8?feature=oembed

3 – What to write about, and how often to publish content

Make sure you have a content strategy for your blog. Write down 10 topics that you want to cover in your language school blog. Then create a list of the names of the articles you need to publish over the next few weeks. Try to have a balance between seasonal content and evergreen content. Seasonal content is the type of information that people search for when it comes to travel, such as “the best beaches in Spain”. On the other hand, evergreen content is content you can publish all year long. It’s good to have something to share every month of the year.

You can also share news about the local culture or another way of life, such as living abroad. You can even share success stories about students who master the language faster than expected. These are all good topics to write about.

4 – How to find content to publish

There are a lot of options out there. I recommend you use a combination of tools to find content. Some of the most popular choices are:

Use BuzzSumo to find the most shared content in your niche. Then read those content and see if you can publish a better version of it.

Use Google alerts to find new content about your niche. Check your Google alerts a few times a day, so you will always have fresh content to share. Use Google machine learning to find new content about your niche. You will get fresh content sent to you directly by Google.

Use sites like Curata or Outbrain to find new content. You can find content about your niche on these sites. You can either use the search box or the “new” button to find new content.

When you are trying to get more traffic to your blog, make sure you are on topic.

5 – Visibility enhancement strategies for your language school blog

You need to make sure people know about your language school blog. There are some strategies you can use to do this:

  • Make your blog visible when people are searching for your school’s name on Google.
  • Follow other bloggers to make sure you are always one step ahead of them in the search engines.
  • If you have a Facebook page, make sure that your Facebook page is always visible.
  • Create and share visual content and images on your blog and on your social media accounts. People like to see pictures, even if they search for them text-only.
  • Use Facebook groups to share your content so it has more reach than just Facebook or Instagram.
  • Add a “follow us” button to your websites and social media pages to make sure people can always find your site.
  • Use Optimizely to measure the visibility of your blog and focus on content that will give you more clicks, more shares, and more traffic.

6 – How to get traffic to your language school blog

If your blog is not getting traffic, it’s probably because you are using the wrong strategies. People stop coming back to your blog because it’s not interesting enough or missing content. You need to be strong and stay focused on what your blog is about. Study and learn what you can do to improve your blog and increase engagement with your content.

Never stop trying to get more traffic for your language school blog. Once you have a strategy, stick to it. Keep doing your best to get more traffic to your website.

Once you have a strategy, stick to it. Keep doing your best to get more traffic to your website.

Now that you know the three main questions to ask yourself before creating your language school blog, you can be ready to set it up. Remember, keep your blog consistent with the look and feel of the rest of your website. That way, you will always be on-brand.

To make sure you are also on-topic, make sure you know what people search for when they’re looking for content about learning, teaching, or living abroad. If you can’t find out what they search for, ask your target market.

If you don’t know what your target market is, it’s time to start studying them. Do an audit of your current audience. Find out more about their job titles, age range, current location, gender ratio, and more. This will help you create content that will attract the right audience. After you have a blog strategy, make sure you know how to create content quickly. Test out new ideas on your blog.

The next thing you need to know is how to get traffic for your blog in talking with people in the language learning industry, such as bloggers and language schools owners, etc…

Stay focused on reaching your goals with your blog. Listen to feedback from your followers and try new strategies that will help you reach more of them.

To keep growing your blog, hire someone who can take care of things like social media for you, and create some content that is sure to get viral. If you want to find someone who can help with SEO and analytics, you should check out LanguageSchoolSeo.com.

If you want to get better at blogging, take some time to read some tips on how to improve your blog content.

Check out these great ways of improving your blog content:

  • Send an email thanking people for sharing your blog post. Use testimonials in the email so it looks serious without being too promotional.
  • Make sure you always use good quality visuals in your posts and in your social media. People like to see images, even if they search for them text-only.

If your site is not getting enough traffic after 2 months, try new strategies. You can find a lot of blog ideas on this blog.

It’s a great site that has a lot of useful information about how to do things like how to get learn a language in your location. Find out if there is a lot of competition in your niche and then find ways to stand out from the crowd.

Once you have a strategy, stick to it. Keep doing your best to get more traffic to your website.

7– Working with influencers.

Influencers are people who can help you become more successful. They can share your blog posts, give you advice, and help you improve your site.

Create a content strategy for your blog so that influencers can suggest content to share. Try these five steps first:

  • Identify who your target market is and what topics they are interested in. You can use Google machine learning for this.
  • Check what your competitors are doing. You can find out what they’re posting about by reviewing their blog posts, etc.
  • Find reliable influencers in your niche and reach out to them. They may be willing to share your content for free or for a fee. Be sure you get permission before sending them an email and don’t annoy them with too many requests.

-Increase traffic to your blog by sharing influencers’ content. You can even join groups with other influencers and bloggers to help each other out.

Try making one of your posts very popular with an influencer. Once you have that person on board, others will see this and want to follow them too!

8– How to get leads from your language school blog

Think about how to use your blog to get more leads. You can use your blog to get more leads if you use it correctly. The best way to get leads is to attract the right people. Give them something to read and interact with, so they will want more! One of the things you need to know about getting leads from your blog is that it may take a while to see results. You need to be patient and take action every time you go to write a blog post. Nurture your leads and treat them as potential clients. They may become clients someday, so never give up. Reach out to them for feedback, answer their questions, and see what they’d like to see on the blog.

If you find out there is a huge audience in your niche, you will want to prepare for more traffic. You can do this by optimizing your blog or hiring someone to do the job.

To keep growing your blog, hire someone who can take care of things like social media for you, and create some content that is sure to get viral. If you want to find someone who can help with SEO and analytics, you should check out our services.

9– Creating an editorial calendar.

Although it’s very important for you to make sure you are consistent in your blogging, it’s even more important to know when to create new content.

You want to be consistent in everything that you do because this will help build trust with your audience. You don’t want to disappoint them if you suddenly disappear from the blogosphere. But, you also need to make sure you create new content at the right times. This is shown in a calendar. Timing your posts is very important. If you blog sporadically, your audience will forget about you.

If you want to get more traffic and leads from your blog, be sure to check the calendar on a regular basis.

10– What to do to protect your blog from hackers.

Did you know that more than 2.5 million people became victims of cyber-attacks last year? This is a huge number, so you want to be sure that your blog is safe from hackers. Prevent them from stealing your content and using it for their own purposes.

You should take good care of your blog in order to avoid any attacks. You can make sure you put a security plugin in your site, like WordFence, to block any malicious bots from accessing your site.

To stay safe from hackers, you should regularly change your password and use two-factor authentication in order to protect your account in case you lose the password. You can also use a security plugin on your WordPress site called Sucuri which will block all attacks from hackers.

11– Mastering the art of SEO for blogs.

Search engine optimization or SEO means increasing your presence on searches. If you are someone who wants to grow their blog, you should try all the things you can to increase your visibility.

The first step towards learning SEO for blogs is to learn the basics of how Google works. You can find a lot of information on the Internet about this. You will also want to learn how to optimize your blog for the search engines. You can do this by adding things like title tags, meta descriptions, and text links in order to make your blog more visible in search results.

Another important element for your blog is to use relevant keywords for your content. Look for words that are relevant to your blog and don’t use too many keywords.

To have more success with SEO, you can use some additional tricks. Try using an editorial calendar so you can create posts at the right time.

12– Visual content creation and sharing strategies.

In order to grow your blog, you should always be on the lookout for ways to improve the content that you create. You can use different tools to help you reach a wider audience. You can do this by adding relevant share buttons which will help your content go viral faster.

At the same time, you also want to make sure that your blog looks good.

You can use an image editor like Pixlr Express to alter your images to help improve the way people perceive what you are sharing. You may be able to use the right kind of image as a way to increase the number of leads and traffic you get.

Visual content can help you reach a big audience and if you want to create good-looking visuals, find the right tools.

13 – The ultimate mindset every language school blogger must have to succeed in blogging.

The success of your blog will depend on how you approach blogging. You should always try to add value, engage people and add new things to the blog. If you want to kill it with blogging, you need to focus on creating posts that are highly valuable for your audience. It’s important that you never miss an opportunity to help people grow.

You may want to start out with a few smaller goals and then slowly move on to bigger and bigger goals. This will help you build the right motivation and keep you going even if it takes a while for your blog to succeed.